Pelvicachromis kribensis “Moliwe”
- December 20, 2018
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Pelvicachromis kribensis “Moliwe”.
Pelvicachromis “Moliwe” is a dwarf cichlid native to West Africa. It prefers soft, slightly acidic water, as well as cooler temperatures, around 72 degrees Fahrenheit. For habitat, a pair will thrive in a 20 gallon long aquarium, with a white sand substrate. They are sand sifters, and will counteract the aesthetic decay of white sand. They are excellent parents, and can raise up to 150 fry at a time, but on average will produce 50-75 fry per spawn. Dither fish are crucial with this species, as pairs will readily turn on eachother during fry care. Larger, tetra species are ideal for this, including cherry barbs. The fish for sale are between .75-1.5″.