Mikrogeophagus ramirezi “Dutch”
- December 20, 2018
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Dutch Blue Ram.
The Dutch blue ram is very similar to the German blue ram. However, it does have a few subtly characteristic differences. In particular, Dutch blue males do not get as large as the German blue males and they exhibit more vibrant colors. I have also found this strain to be slightly more aggressive, therefore a 10 gallon minimum is required for a pair. Dither fish are also required, I’ve had good luck using ember tetras and dwarf pencilfish for this task. They prefer soft, slightly acidic water, but I have spawned these in neutral water. Warm water is required for spawning, 80 degrees Fahrenheit minimum. Rams are notoriously bad at parenting, a clay flower pot holder is an excellence addition to the aquarium if you would like to remove the fry and raise them yourself.