Apistogramma panduro
- December 20, 2018
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Apistogramma panduro. Males Only
Apistogramma panduro is a very unique Apistogramma species. The females remain much smaller than the males, at about 2.5″, while the males can reach 3.5″. Females have a distinct difference in appearence, with a black saddle that wraps around their midsection, while males have a sky blue body. This is a relatively peaceful Apistogramma species, a pair can be spawned in as little as 10 gallons. Ember tetras work as excellent dither for Apistogramma panduro, as the females can become very aggressive during fry care. Temperatures between 73-78 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for this fish. The fish for sale are about 1″ in length and are just starting to show sexual distinctions.